Our Commitment to Safety
Fisher-Price is committed to building relationships with children and earning the trust of their parents and caretakers. Since our founding, safety has been our highest priority. For more than ninety years, we have maintained an unrelenting focus on product safety, quality, and compliance. We are proud that families and children choose Fisher-Price again and again to make childhood more joyful and support parents through the early months and years of their babies' lives.

Product Quality and Safety
Product quality and safety are key to the bedrock of trust we establish with millions of families who buy and play with our products every day. The development and construction of new products involves numerous disciplines and multiple areas of expertise devoted to ensuring the quality and safety of our products before they go to market, as well as ensuring they meet or exceed all applicable standards. Please see these links for more information about product quality and safety including, Sustainable Design & Development; Responsible Sourcing and Production; Material Selection and Designing, Manufacturing and Testing for Safety.
Recalls & Safety Alerts
For information on recalls and safety alerts please visit the site here. This list includes Mattel’s recalls & safety alerts announced since August 4, 1998. The links on this link are for recalls & safety alerts for U.S. and Canadian consumers only. For general recall information on any consumer product, and for earlier Mattel recalls & safety alerts, please visit www.recalls.gov. For global recall & safety alert information, please click here to look up contact information for your local Mattel office or distributor.

Mattel is committed to building relationships with parents and earning their trust. Since our founding, safety has been our highest priority. As Mattel has grown, we have maintained an unrelenting focus on product safety, quality and compliance. In March 2021 we launched our Medical and Scientific Safety Council (MSSC), which plays an important role in our efforts. Comprised of leaders from their respective fields, the MSSC works closely with Mattel in providing professional opinions, advice and recommendations related to product safety, helping to inform our work and promote safe practices. For more information about Mattel’s Medical and Scientific Safety Council, please visit this page.