Isabel’s Story Hints
Spoiler Alert! Check out these hints only if you need a help solving a puzzle or want the answer. Warning: Looking at future puzzle hints will spoil the story for you and your group.
Only click on the puzzle name or number that you are trying to solve. Some have more than one hint which will start with clues to nudge you in the right direction and end with the solution. Don’t click on the solution if you don’t want the final answer.

Hint 1
Did Isabel’s note to Kira seem odd? There seems to be some letters missing. This can’t just be an accident.
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Hint 2
Write out the missing letters to reveal a secret message from Isabel.
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Hint 3
The message in the note says: USE RED BAG TO SEARCH NOTE BACK. Turn the note over and place the red bag over it. You may need to use an extra light, such as a phone flashlight.
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Hint 4
The note says: “First Diode Location: Use pencil and paper. Column: draw a semi-circle open to the left, then a horizontal line extending to the right from the bottom of the semi-circle. Row: Draw a semi-circle open to the right then curl the bottom portion back in a loop to make a small circle.” Keep in mind, 1 or 2 is always the column.
Spoiler alert!
When you follow the instructions properly, you should draw a 2 and a 6. The answer is: COLUMN 2, ROW 6. Insert a diode peg into the console in column 2, row 6.

Hint 1
Put a pencil in the 0 hole and another in the hole of the number listed on the location readings. Spin it around, while keeping the 0-pencil steady, on each given city to draw circles on the map.
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Hint 2
Remember you need to look for a city that is at least 7k AWAY from Madrid and 8k AWAY from Calcutta.
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Hint 3
Look for a city that is OUTSIDE both small circles but INSIDE both big circles.
Warning: spoiler alert!
There is only one city that that is outside both small circles and inside both big circles. The answer is: Sao Paolo.

Hint 1
Make sure all objects are always upright. The shadows can help you orient the tiles.
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Hint 2
There are only four tiles with green wires. Try starting with those.
Spoiler alert!
When all the wires are connected, it should look like this.
Transfer the tiles to the console.

Hint 1
You must know your current location and have the wires correctly arranged to solve this.
See Hint 1a to confirm city.
See Hint 1b to confirm wires.
Hint 1a
Sao Paolo
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See Hint 1b to confirm wires.
Hint 1b
⇠ Hint 1b
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Hint 2
Try placing the console on the outline covering your current location.
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Hint 3
Did you notice the red “Column Start” and purple “Row Start” marks at the edge of the console? What do they line up to?
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Hint 4
Follow the red and purple wires until you get to a number on the console.
Spoiler alert!
The red wire around Sao Paolo says “Column Start.” When you follow the red wire through to the end, it stops at 1 on the console. The purple wire says “Row Start.” When you follow that through the console it ends at 4. The answer is: COLUMN 1, ROW 4. Insert a diode peg into the console in column 1, row 4.

Hint 1
Sometimes you need to think outside the box.
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Hint 2
Did you look everywhere? Did you examine everything the game came with?
Spoiler alert!
The Tempor-a-Meter is located on the side of the game box bottom.

Hint 1
Compare the information found on the Tempor-a-Meter Readings from different eras readout with the information displayed on the Tempor-a-Meter’s various dials and gauges.
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Hint 2
Ignore the black and red digital displays for now.
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Hint 3
The temperature reading shows 32. The concentration of suspended particulate matter is 140. The CO2 level is 280. The sea surface temperature is 22.5. Use this information to deduce the current time.
Spoiler alert!
All time periods are eliminated by one of the above readings EXCEPT one. The answer is: 800-700 BC.

Hint 1
To solve this puzzle, you need to start with all the object tiles arranged in the console with all the wires connected. Begin by removing all the tiles EXCEPT the tiles containing a red wire.
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Hint 2
Start in the upper right-hand corner. That row already has a plate and jewelry, and the column already has a bottle, so there’s only one type of object that could go there.Remember, the type of tile is the only thing that matters for this puzzle.
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Hint 3
Look at the space just under the tile you placed in upper right corner and use the same trick. Make sure all objects are upright.
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Hint 4
You can use that trick to fill in the remaining squares.
Spoiler alert!
⇠ The answer is ⇠

Hint 1
You must have the correct current time and have the tiles arranged in a meaningful way to solve this.
See Hint 1a to confirm time.
See Hint 1b to confirm tiles.
Hint 1a
800-700 BC.
See Hint 1b to confirm tiles.
Hint 1b
⇠ Hint 1b
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Hint 2
Since we are trying to determine time, make sure to use the Time Map.
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Hint 3
Place the console (green plastic piece) on the outline showing the current time. The letters are important here. Make sure all the objects are oriented upright.
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Hint 4
Some of the arrows on the tiles are pointing at letters. What do those letters spell?
Spoiler alert!
The arrows are pointing at letters that spell TWO and ZERO. Remember, a one or two always refers to the column. The answer is: COLUMN 2, ROW 0. Insert a diode peg into the console in column 2, row 0.

Hint 1
Arrange the object tiles according to the legend. Some objects can fit in multiple places, but a few can only go in one specific place.
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Hint 2
If you’re having trouble identifying what a given object tile is exactly, set it aside and work on the ones you can easily identify.
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Hint 3
⇠ The tiles should be arranged like this ⇠
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Hint 4
The word for tile 1 is a verb that ends in P. The word for tile 2 starts with a T.
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Hint 5
The words are FLIP TILES. It’s important to flip ALL 16 tiles facedown.
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Hint 6
Take a step back and look at the red tiles. Remember, you’re looking for a number…
Spoiler alert!
The red tiles form the numbers 1 and 7. The answer is: COLUMN 1, ROW 7. Insert a diode peg into the console in column 1, row 7.

Hint 1
You must have all four diodes correctly placed in the console to solve this.
See Hint 1a to confirm Diode 1.
See Hint 1b to confirm Diode 2.
See Hint 1c to confirm Diode 3.
See Hint 1d to confirm Diode 4.
Hint 1a
Diode 1: 2-6
See Hint 1b to confirm Diode 2.
See Hint 1c to confirm Diode 3.
See Hint 1d to confirm Diode 4.
Hint 1b
Diode 2: 1-4
See Hint 1c to confirm Diode 3.
See Hint 1d to confirm Diode 4.
Hint 1c
Diode 3: 2-0
See Hint 1d to confirm Diode 4.
Hint 1d
Diode 4: 1-7
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Hint 2
With the console in position on the top of the time machine box, match the location of each diode to the arrow or dash in that same row AND column. DO NOT use both arrows that are in the row.
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Hint 3
Remember to do the switches in order of the diodes from top to bottom, NOT the order in which you plugged them into the console.
Spoiler alert!
The answer is: DOWN, UP, CENTER, UP. The door should unlock automatically once you have all four dials in correct position. You may need to wiggle each tile to ensure it is properly set.